Reviewing soccer skills for kids in practice
Reviewing soccer skills for kids in practice

To make things more difficult, have your child use his/her thigh, chest and different parts of his/her feet. He/She will use the wall to bounce the ball back and forth. Have your child stand between 1 and 3 yards away from the wall. The aim of this drill is to improve your child’s reflexes and get better at juggling the ball. If the shark kicks their ball, then that minnow is out until the next game starts. The minnows will dribble the ball down to the other end of the field, trying to get passed the shark. All other players will line up with a ball on one end of the field (these are the minnows). Have one family member in the middle of the field. The players will then begin to pass the ball to other players in the circle and try to keep the player in the middle from getting the ball. This is a fun and energetic way to get the whole family moving! You will have your family form a circle with one member in the middle. Once your family gets the hang of it, you can have them move farther apart or change the pattern into a zigzag pattern. Once the ball is at the end of the line, that player will then begin to kick the ball back in the other direction.

reviewing soccer skills for kids in practice

The player at the end of the line will begin to kick the ball to the next player in line and so on. This is a great for the whole family to get involved! Have each family member form a line with distance between them. Once the player becomes more advanced, he/she can still do this drill but have the player try not to look down at the ball. Have he/she focus on keeping the ball close to them while moving through the cones. Have your child start at one end and kick the ball through the cones to the other end. Set up cones in a line or zigzag pattern. This is a great way to teach kids to focus on controlling the ball while moving. Here are some of our favorite-at home drills to get your child ready for soccer.

reviewing soccer skills for kids in practice

Practice Makes Perfect: Soccer Training for Kids

Reviewing soccer skills for kids in practice